首页    国际新闻    IMO海洋环境保护委员会(MEPC)第82届会议讨论《香港公约》的简报














10. Ship recycling

    The Hong Kong Convention aims to ensure that ships, when being recycled after reaching the end of their operational lives, do not pose any unnecessary risks to human health, safety and to the environment. The Basel Convention aims to protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects of hazardous wastes, including among others, waste from ship dismantling.

    In view of the forthcoming entry into force of the Hong Kong Convention on 26 June 2025 and the urgent need to provide guidance on the interplay between the two Conventions, the Committee approved the Provisional guidance on the implementation of the Hong Kong and Basel Conventions with respect to the transboundary movement of ships intended for recycling (HKSRC.2/Circ.1).

    The Committee noted that additional work was required to improve the guidance in order to provide further legal clarity and certainty, in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Basel Convention.






2024年12月30日 15:00